Creating Multi-Language NextJS Applications with I18n

A guide to developing multi-language support in NextJS applications for global audiences thanks to the popular i18n library.


With the world rapidly turning into a global village, a business is no longer restricted to a particular geographical location. In this scenario, building a multi-language application is not just a need but a strategic move to reach out to a global customer base. Whether you're developing a SaaS platform, an AI tool, a blog, or any other web product, integrating multiple language support can significantly enhance your web app’s accessibility, providing a rich and customizable user experience to users across various regions.

Implementing Multi-Language Support in NextJS

Next.js is a popular React framework known for its extensive feature set, making it easier for developers to build server-side rendering and static web pages. It does take some extra work to implement multi-language support, but it's worth it.

Here's a simple i18n (Internationalization) guide using NextJS:

1. Initial Set-Up

Start by creating a new NextJS application or use an existing one. Install the 'next-i18next' library which allows you to use the react-i18next library more effortlessly with Next.js applications.


npx create-next-app multi-language-app // Create a new NextJS app

npm install next-i18next // Install the necessary package


2. Configure next-i18next

Next, create a new file named 'next-i18next.config.js'. This is where you'll define your applications' languages.


module.exports = {

i18n: { defaultLocale: 'en', locales: ['en', 'fr', 'de'], }, } ```

3. Set Up Translations

For each language in your application, you need a JSON file under a 'public/locales/[locale]' directory with keys representing the text elements in your application.

For example, for English language support, create a file at public/locales/en/common.json with keys and values like the following:

```json { "hello": "Hello" } ```

Introducing PullTheCode: A Multi-Language NextJS Boilerplate

While setting up multi-language website support from scratch can be an interesting learning experience, for businesses looking to launch quickly and efficiently, using a reliable boilerplate like PullTheCode can be a game-changer.

PullTheCode is a robust NextJS boilerplate designed to streamline the rapid development and deployment of web applications. Whether you're building SaaS platforms, AI tools or blogs, PullTheCode provides all the essential features you need - from SEO & Blog integration, Stripe payments, SQL with Prisma, SSO with PassportJS, Google Analytics, to upcoming modules like Scraping and, most importantly, I18N support - to launch a MVP quickly and efficiently.

Never trifle with setting up the same configurations or debugging repetitive issues in every new project again. Let PullTheCode take care of the scaffolding so you can focus on what matters most — developing your unique product features.

So, next time you set out to develop a multi-language NextJS application, consider leveraging the power of PullTheCode to create globalized applications not just quickly, but also more efficiently!

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