
In this example we will see how to configure your database.

I will show you how to configure both a SQLite and a PostgreSQL database.

The procedure to configure most SQL supported byPrismais the same.

Setup SQLite

  • Rename .env.example to .env if you didn't do it yet.
  • Open the command line and run this commands:
    npm run prisma:generate
    npm run prisma:migrate
  • That's it! You are ready to go!

Configure Postgres

If you prefer postgres, it's as easy as SQLite.

  • InstallPostgreson your machine
  • Open the command line and run this commands:
    psql -U postgres
    create role YOUR_DB_USER with encrypted password 'YOUR_DB_USER_PASSWORD' createdb login;
    create database YOUR_DB_NAME with owner YOUR_DB_USER;
    grant all privileges on database YOUR_DB_NAME to YOUR_DB_USER;
    \q # exit the postgres console
  • Almost there, change the following lines in your /prisma/schema.prisma file:
    // /prisma/schema.prisma
    // ...previous code
    // FROM
    datasource db {
    provider = "sqlite"
    url = env("POSTGRES_PRISMA_URL")
    // TO
    datasource db {
    provider = "postgresql"
    url = env("POSTGRES_PRISMA_URL")
    // of the file
  • Done? Fantastic! Last edit I promise! In your .env file, change the following line:
    // /.env
    // ...previous values
    // FROM
    // TO
  • Open the command line, run this commands, and you're set:
    npm run prisma:generate
    npm run prisma:migrate